CDN optimized
for video streaming

Teyuto is an optimized, high-performance solution tailored for video on-demand (VOD) and live streaming.
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Large-scale event broadcasting

150+ edge locations around the globe prevent any bandwidth issues

High-demand video hosting platforms

Our world-class infrastructure is prepared to stream events to an audience exceeding 10 million viewers.

Ultra-low latency live streaming

Enabling ultra-rapid video protocols ensures broadcasts with latency ranging from 0.5 to 4 seconds.

Ultra-low latency live streaming

Our platform automatically moderates user-generated video content and live streams, ensuring a safe and compliant environment.

Video on-demand (VOD) delivery

When it comes to on-demand video streaming, Teyuto retrieves video content stored on Teyuto and smoothly distributes it to a globally distributed audience with minimal interruptions and delays.

Streaming platform with extra functionalities

The Teyuto Streaming Platform facilitates every aspect of broadcasting, spanning from video creation and capture to seamless playback.
Convert video to AVC H.264, HEVC H.265, VP9, and AV1 codecs.
Integrate videos seamlessly across the internet.
Live stream from any source using RTMP and SRT protocols.
Computer vision for detecting inappropriate content.

Origin Shielding

Mitigate excessive traffic surges to protect the origin server from overloading.

Low Latency Protocols

Leverage Low Latency and Ultra-Low Latency streaming protocols to deliver the optimal user experience.

Volume-based discounts

Access amazing discounts the more your platform grows!

Ready to start creating your video

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Build your video empire

Your outstanding video channel in one place: Video CMS, Community, Marketing & Analytics.
Free training & 24-hour support
99.9% uptime the last 12 months
Serious about security & privacy
Video Distribution Platform & Monetization
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